Monday, 9 February 2015

Starting afresh...

So, only six weeks late if you like your New Year's Resolution to start at the beginning of January, I'm finally getting around to starting (or, restarting) my blog. The resolution was to "make blogging a habit" though so I'm not patting myself on the back just yet!

Speaking of resolutions, I'm doing pretty well with the other two, although progress is somewhat hard to measure. The marathon training is going well, I'm 5 weeks into Jantastic and riding high at 100%, having completed my 5 runs per week and my distance target in the first week of February. I've been increasing the long runs and am up to 15 miles. Since I'm not aiming for a time in Manchester I've not done much speed-work; relying on the odd parkrun, cross-country and tune-up race really. The focus is consistency and, with my injury history, making the start-line in one piece is more important than reaching the finish line in a given time. I've also managed to fit in at least one Yoga class each week (as well as my usual Tuesday night Iyengar class I've tried out a few Hotpod Yoga classes for a change) and a couple of strength sessions (mainly Davina DVDs using weights). 

In the Hotpod...

The other resolution was to be on a TV quiz show (this has been a resolution most years on and off for the last few years!) Well let's just say an application has been submitted, so fingers crossed!
In other news I'm on my way to Portugal for a few days with my aunt and cousin. The trainers were the first things to be packed and I'm also hoping to fit in a Yoga class there too. I had a really busy weekend with XC, then a night out to see a gig on Saturday (quite a late night for me!) So a few days relaxation is in order...

Training Diary (2nd - 8th February)

Monday - BvH Club Run, Parsons Nose
Tuesday - workout DVD (am), Iyengar Yoga (pm)
Wednesday - LSR, 15 mile canal run
Thursday - BvH Club Run, Northfield
Friday - workout DVD
Saturday - XC league race
Sunday - 9 miles steady River Rea
My collection of workout DVDs

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